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PROOF_Brightcliffe HomePage-01-01.jpg
101_G01_Internet Interface Design_RJ_170821_PRELIM.jpg
People Mag copy.jpg
Fangoria copy.jpg
Entertainmet Weekly copy.jpg

The Midnight Club

This show was based off the series of books by Christopher Pike. The setting for the main portion of the show was the 1990's so the designs need to reflect that period. The show is also broken up into different stories each episode, which ranged different time periods and allowed me to explore the history of graphic design as it applied to each story. 

Ext Liqour Store Signage.jpg
306_G02_IntBar_News Broadcast GFX_23Jul2021_RJ.jpg
291_G02_Int Theresas Garage_BG Posters_RJ_160821_PRELIM.jpg
306_G05_INT Bar_Beer Labels_V1_0408221_RJ_PRELIM-02.jpg
306_G05_INT Bar_Beer Labels_V1_0408221_RJ_PRELIM-01.jpg
007_G01_Int Dr Stantons Office_Sandras Medical File_V1_210729_RJ_PRELIM.jpg
285_G02_Ext Gas Station_282x45_V1_210728_Rj_PRELIM.jpg
242_G03_Int Hospital Waiting Room_WAYFINDING SIGN_V1_210712_RJ_PRELIM.jpg
262_G01_Int Anya Apartment Hallway_Floor Tile Vinyl_V1_210719_RJ_PROOF.jpg
298_G03_Ext Campus_Banner Hoarding_V1_080321_RJ_PRELIM.jpg
298_G04_Ext Campus_Security Patch_V1_030821_RJ_APPROVED.jpg
298_G08_Ext Campus_BG Posters_11x17in_V1_040821_RJ_PRELIM-01.jpg
298_G08_Ext Campus_BG Posters_11x17in_V1_040821_RJ_PRELIM-02.jpg
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